

Featured Project
Written by:
  • Drew Henry


BricktOrigins by Abnormal Studios is a collection of five individual NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain celebrating the history, community, and future of Abnormal Studios.


BricktOrigins is a unique Product-driven Ethereum dApp

React.js (Next.js) for the frontend UI, RainbowKit for wallet integration, with Alchemy and Infura as node providers.

BricktOrigins is a collection of 5 individual NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain celebrating the history, community, and future of Abnormal Studios. Each NFT tells a different story of who they are and how they have come to develop Bricktopians, the Brain Boot sneaker and everything that Abnormal Studios builds next.

There were 999 NFTs available for each of the five artefacts.

Each of the five NFTs were released individually, firstly to those on whitelists, followed by public mints.

Holders who collected all 5 NFTs are able to Forge them together, in a ceremony that unveils what is called The Monument — the interactive logo that will carry the community and Abnormal Studios forward.

The Monument is an NFT that can be combined with upcoming releases to unlock rare benefits. For example, the rarest Monument allows you to co-design and 3D print your own Brain Boot sneaker with Law Degree.

Monuments are limited to a total supply of 999 NFTs.


View on OpenSea ↗️


Landing: Introduction
Landing: Please Be Seated
Landing: Curtains Opening
Dashboard: Connect Wallet
Dashboard: Wallet Connected
Mint NFT
Dashboard: NFTs 1,2 & 3 Minted
Dashboard: NFTs 1,2,3,4 & 5 Minted
Approve The Forge (Burn 5 NFTs for 1)
Forge: Waiting For Approval
Let's Forge
Forge Mint Success

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