Featured Project
Rebecca Faith Yates
Transform your Life through Self Love and Healing
How it was done
The Rebecca Faith Yates website is a custom progressive web app built with our Gatsby+Sanity starter template.
The key objectives for Rebecca were the ability to make content and layout changes herself, SEO, performance, and extendability of the website to meet future growth. The Gatsby+Sanity starter template was the perfect option.
The template provides a composable, modular framework (frontend and CMS) that allows us to quickly build a website, and to easily add custom, project specific features tailored to meet unique product requirements. The template is built to scale, allowing new features to be added as a business grows.
The template's exsiting template modules provided us with the flexibilty to build out the majority of the RFY page layouts, and inject Rebecca's branding. We also built a new module to specifically integrate Calendly into the website, allowing clients to book sessions with Rebecca.
Gatsby is a fast and flexible React.js based framework that makes building websites with any CMS, API, or database easier. Not only is it fantastic for building highly interactive and enaging user interfaces, but for also deploying websites with super fast page loads, that are highly secure, have great SEO, and are acessible to all.
What's more, the developer experience is top notch, and that gives us more time to focus on the website content and user experience.
As the name suggests, our Gatsby+Sanity template that we used to build this website comes with a content management system (CMS) powered by Sanity - an open-source extensible CMS built with React.js. A benefit of using Sanity is rapid configuration and free form customization, allowing us to create a performant, user-friendly CMS that can optimise data-modelling and editor workflows for each unique project.
The flexiblity of our CMS allows us to meet the unique needs of the website's adminstrators, marketers and content editors. Multiple editors can collaborate in real-time from a clean and intuitive editing interface, from a variety of devices.
In this case, the CMS made it straightforward for Rebecca to create and publish content to her website without any technical knowledge. With real-time serverless previews, Rebecca can also see exactly what content updates look like before they are published.
We deployed the frontend of the website to Netlify's global Edge network - a globally distributed CDN designed for fast, low latency sites. Netlify also handles the contact form submissions.
The content management system (CMS), frontend and data store is hosted and deployed using Sanity's hosted service, an edge-cached global CDN.
Both the Netlify and Sanity services provide a generous free tier, in many cases good enough to meet the requirements of marketing and informational websites. Thereafter, if you need more resources, you only pay for what you need.